Monday, 21 May 2012

Boys will be boys!!!

Today we have had the amazing pleasure of wall-to-wall sunshine all day!  So not to look a gift horse in the mouth, we had some fun in the garden.

My little man has shown a great liking for playing with water, so I set him up with a tub and a variety of stuff to splash about in the water.  And he had great fun - splashing about and making lots of noise and mess.

And then his Granny and Grandad arrived with a brand new toy for him - a bright yellow watering can.  He was very interested, and fairly quickly picked up on the idea of pouring water out of it - although I could not persuade him to pour the water onto the plants - it was far more fun to pour it on the grass, the patio, his feet ..... 

But everything changed when he discovered a pot which I haven't got round to planting.  He started digging around in the soil, and then found that he could dig up soil ...

and pour it into his half filled watering can!!!  Nice!!!

This kept him occupied for at least 15 minutes - almost unheard of for my little fella! - and he gradually got more and more mucky.  And you should have seen the state of the watering can!!!

I resigned myself to the fact that I was probably going to have to strip him and take him straight for a bath - but how can a mummy mind when her little boy is having so much fun!

In the meantime I'm having great fun starting to make a quiet book for Baby J.  This is something I found on Pinterest (I am so badly addicted to that site!!!) and for those who don't know it's a handmade fabric book with the aim of occupying little ones and keeping them quiet.  Hence the name.  Clever, huh?!?  I'm making mine almost entirely from felt, and I have so many plans for pages!!!  But for now I just need to get going properly so I at least have something for J to take away when we go out to visit Daddy on his ship.  I'll blog more about it when there's a bit more to show, but in the meantime I really must get back to it!!!

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Can anything else go wrong???

It's been ages since I've written anything on my blog, largely due to a catalogue of negative events in my life which seem to have rather taken over my world.  So I've decided to allow myself the luxury of an on-line moan, and then I'm going to get over it and move on!

So first we had the trauma of dear hubby returning to sea.  It was the most emotional it's been in a long time, as I think hubby realised just what a little bundle of personality our little man now is and how much he would miss him.

Then both Baby J and I seemed to come down with coughs and colds that got worse and worse - and eventually we both were confirmed with chest infections and put on antibiotics.  Then we both got a nasty violent sicky bug that was going round, and my chest infection cleared to reveal a MAJORLY persistent cough and cold still there.  I've now had no voice for nearly 3 weeks, and at the weekend I did some major damage to my ribs coughing and ended up in A&E. 

Praise God I have wonderful parents who live very close by, as we've had to move in with them temporarily while I heal and manage to move without constant painkillers and agony.

So enough now.  I'm really not sure I can cope with anything else going wrong.  So please God can we both have some good health for once so we can enjoy ourselves again - I know God will never give me more to deal with than I can handle, but sometimes it feels like He gives me more credit than I deserve!!!

Ok, moan over - and now I will look on the positive side and start to look up rather than down.  I will appreciate the wonders of raising a wonderfully energetic and inquisitive little boy, and praise God for all the amazing blessing He has given me in my life.

I'm going to try and motivate myself back to positive with wonderful brightly coloured yarny goodness and continue with my latest project - a join-as-you-go scrappy blanket using lovely bright colours and the fantastically satisfying method from Lucy of Attic 24.  That will definitely be the subject of a future blog!!!

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